
Submissions to the workshop are possible in two categories.

Research papers should describe a problem or solution that occurs in MDE and pertains to the systematic separation or integration of models, concerns, views or other modelling artefacts. A research paper has to present original work on five to eight pages and has to adhere to Springer’s LNCS guidelines.

Position papers should present a well-defined position on how various modelling languages, viewpoints or heterogeneous subsystems should be handled in MDE. A position paper has to discuss ideas for an innovative approach on two to four pages and has to adhere to Springer’s LNCS guidelines.

Please submit your papers as PDFs using EasyChair.

Accepted papers are going to be published in the ACM Digital Library in a proceedings volume with an ISBN. The Journal of Object Technology (JOT) has agreed to publish a special issue with extended versions of a selection of the best papers of the VAO workshop.